The Three Faces of Crime

Tuesday, 22 April 2025

19:00 - 21:00
Barnstaple Library, Barnstaple, EX31 1EL

A conversation with crime authors Diane Jeffrey, Orlando Murrin and Tina Orr Munro.

More Information (The Voice is not responsible for external websites)

Ever wondered what goes into writing a crime novel? Join three well-known crime authors for a special behind the scenes look at creating murder, mayhem and mystery.

Whether it's cosy crime, a psychological thriller or a police procedural, we've got you covered.

Books available to purchase at the event. Refreshments available for a donation.

Book in person at Barnstaple Library, call 01271 318780 or visit our Eventbrite


Barnstaple Library
12 Tuly Street
EX31 1EL

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